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Data Summary:

National — 2021

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Part 1: Community Characteristics, 2021

Swipe to the right if table data not fully visible.
Measure Category Measure DescriptionNational
(N = 1354)*
Socioeconomic factorsUnemployment % of population age 16 and older unemployed but seeking work2.6%
Socioeconomic factorsChildren in poverty % of children under age 18 in poverty10.0%
Socioeconomic factorsMedian household income Income where half of households in a county earn more and half of households earn less$72,900
Socioeconomic factorsIncome inequality Ratio of household income at the 80th percentile to income at the 20th percentile3.7
Socioeconomic factorsPopulation under 18 years of age % of population below 18 years of age22.3%
Socioeconomic factorsPopulation age 65 and older % of population age 65 and older16.5%
Health outcomesPremature death Years of potential life lost before age 75 per 100,000 population (age-adjusted)5,400
Health outcomesChild mortality # of deaths among children under age 18 per 100,000 population40.0
Health outcomesInfant mortality # of deaths among children less than one year of age per 1,000 live births5.8
Health outcomesDiabetes prevalence % of adults diagnosed with diabetes8.0%
Health outcomesPoor or fair health % of adults reporting poor or fair health (age-adjusted)14.0%
Health outcomesLow birth weight % of live births with low birthweight, < 2500 grams6.0%
Health outcomesPhysically unhealthy days Average # of physically unhealthy days reported in past 30 days (age-adjusted)3.4
Health outcomesMentally unhealthy days Average # of mentally unhealthy days reported in past 30 days (age-adjusted)3.8
Health behaviorsAdult smoking % of adults who are current smokers16.0%
Health behaviorsAdult obesity % of adults that report BMI >= 3026.0%
Health behaviorsPhysical inactivity % of adults ages 20 and over reporting no leisure time physical activity19.0%
Health behaviorsSexually transmitted infections # of newly diagnosed chlamydia cases per 100,000 population161.2
Health behaviorsTeen births # of births per 1,000 female population ages 15-1912.0
Health behaviorsExcessive drinking % of adults reporting binge or heavy drinking15.0%
Health behaviorsMotor vehicle crash death rate # of motor vehicle crash deaths per 100,000 population9.0
Health behaviorsAlcohol-impaired driving deaths % of driving deaths with alcohol involvement11.0%
Health behaviorsInjury deaths # of deaths due to injury per 100,000 population59.0
Health behaviorsDrug overdose mortality rate # of deaths due to drug poisoning per 100,000 population11.0
Health behaviorsHomicides # of deaths from assaults, defined as ICD-10 codes X85-Y09 per 100,000 population2.0
Health behaviorsFirearm fatalities # of deaths due to firearms, defined as ICD-10 codes W32-W34, X72-X74, X93-X95, Y22-Y24, and Y35.0 per 100,000 population8.0
Health behaviorsViolent crime rate # of reported violent crime offenses per 100,000 population63.0
Provider supply and access to carePrimary care physicians Ratio of population to primary care physicians1,020:1
Provider supply and access to careOther primary care providers Ratio of population to other primary care providers including nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and clinical nurse specialists620:1
Provider supply and access to careMental health providers Ratio of population to mental health providers270:1
Provider supply and access to careDentists Ratio of population to dentists1,200:1
Provider supply and access to careUninsured % of population under age 65 without health insurance6.0%
Provider supply and access to careMammography screening % of female Medicare enrollees ages 65-74 that receive mammography screening51.0%
Provider supply and access to carePreventable hospital stays # of hospital stays for ambulatory-care sensitive conditions per 100,000 Medicare enrollees2,565
Environmental issuesExercise opportunities % of population with adequate access to locations for physical activity91.0%
Environmental issuesLimited access to healthy foods % of population who are low-income and do not live close to a grocery store2.0%
Environmental issuesFood environment index Index of factors that contribute to a healthy food environment, 0 (worst) to 10 (best)8.7
Environmental issuesSevere housing problems % of households with at least 1 of 4 housing problems: overcrowding, high housing costs, or lack of kitchen or plumbing facilities9.0%
Socioeconomic factorsHigh school completion % of adults age 25 and older with a high school diploma or equivalent 94.0%

Part 2: CAH Service Mix, 2021

Data are not available for these measures at the county level.

Swipe to the right if table data not fully visible.
Measure Category Order Measure DescriptionNational
(930 of 1354)*
Wellness and Prevention 1 Immunization programs
Wellness and Prevention
% of CAHs with immunization programs55.1%
Wellness and Prevention 2 Tobacco treatment/cessation programs
Wellness and Prevention
% of CAHs with tobacco treatment/cessation programs44.7%
Wellness and Prevention 3 Enrollment assistance programs
Wellness and Prevention
% of CAHs with enrollment assistance programs54.7%
Primary Care 1 Indigent care clinics
Primary Care
% of CAHs with indigent care clinics9.5%
Primary Care 2 Rural Health Clinics
Primary Care
% of CAHs with Rural Health Clinics64.3%
Primary Care 3 Urgent care clinics
Primary Care
% of CAHs with urgent care clinics21.5%
Obstetrics 1 Obstetrics care
% of CAHs with obstetrics care32.0%
Dentistry 1 Dental services
% of CAHs with dental services4.7%
Behavioral Health 5 Outpatient alcoholism/chemical dependency services
Behavioral Health
% of CAHs with outpatient alcoholism/chemical dependency services8.6%
Behavioral Health 2 Outpatient psychiatric services
Behavioral Health
% of CAHs with outpatient psychiatric services34.7%
Emergency Medical Services 1 Ambulance services
Emergency Medical Services
% of CAHs with ambulance services22.9%
Emergency Medical Services 2 Certified trauma centers
Emergency Medical Services
% of CAHs with certified trauma centers47.4%
Long Term Services and Supports 1 Skilled nursing care
Long Term Services and Supports
% of CAHs with skilled nursing care36.2%
Long Term Services and Supports 2 Intermediate nursing care
Long Term Services and Supports
% of CAHs with intermediate nursing care12.4%
Long Term Services and Supports 3 Other long term care
Long Term Services and Supports
% of CAHs providing long term care other than skilled nursing or intermediate care. This can include residential care-elderly housing services for those who do not require daily medical or nursing services but may require assistance in the activities of daily living, or sheltered care facilities for the developmentally disabled.6.2%
Long Term Services and Supports 4 Adult day care programs
Long Term Services and Supports
% of CAHs with adult day care programs4.0%
Long Term Services and Supports 5 Home health services
Long Term Services and Supports
% of CAHs with home health services18.8%
Long Term Services and Supports 7 Hospice programs
Long Term Services and Supports
% of CAHs with hospice programs14.9%
Behavioral Health 1 Inpatient psychiatric services
Behavioral Health
% of CAHs with inpatient psychiatric services9.8%
Telehealth 1 Telehealth services
% of CAHs with telehealth services72.4%
Behavioral Health 4 Inpatient alcoholism/chemical dependency services
Behavioral Health
% of CAHs with inpatient alcoholism/chemical dependency services2.9%
Long Term Services and Supports 6 Palliative care
Long Term Services and Supports
% of CAHs with palliative care through an inpatient unit or hospital program18.8%
Wellness and Prevention 4 Diabetes prevention program
Wellness and Prevention
% of CAHs with diabetes prevention41.8%
Behavioral Health 3 Other psychiatric services
Behavioral Health
% of CAHs with other psychiatric services18.1%
Radiology 0 Basic interventional radiology
% of CAHs that provide basic interventional radiology. Therapies include embolization, angioplasty, stent placement, thrombus management, drainage and ablation among others. Facilities providing interventional radiology should have a radiologist with additional certification and training in diagnostic radiology, interventional radiology, or radiation oncology.16.0%
Behavioral Health 0 Medication assisted treatment for opioid use disorder
Behavioral Health
% of CAHs that provide medication assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorder. MAT is the use of medications, in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies, to provide a “whole-patient” approach to the treatment of substance use disorders. Medications used in MAT are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and MAT programs are clinically driven and tailored to meet each patient’s needs. 11.4%
Behavioral Health 0 Medication assisted treatment for other substance use disorders
Behavioral Health
% of CAHs that provide medication assisted treatment (MAT) for other substance use disorders. MAT is the use of medications, in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies, to provide a “whole-patient” approach to the treatment of substance use disorders. Medications used in MAT are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and MAT programs are clinically driven and tailored to meet each patient’s needs.8.6%
Behavioral Health 0 Social and community psychiatry
Behavioral Health
% of CAHs that provide social and community psychiatric services. Social psychiatry deals with social factors associated with psychiatric morbidity, social effects of mental illness, psycho-social disorders, and social approaches to psychiatric care. Community psychiatry focuses on detection, prevention, early treatment and rehabilitation of emotional and behavioral disorders as they develop in a community.5.4%
Behavioral Health 0 Prenatal and postpartum psychiatric services
Behavioral Health
% of CAHs that provide prenatal and postpartum psychiatric services. Includes perinatal depression and postpartum depression. 3.1%
Behavioral Health 0 Suicide prevention services
Behavioral Health
% of CAHs that provide suicide prevention services, a collection of efforts to reduce the risk of suicide. These efforts may occur at the individual, relationship, community and society levels.11.5%

Part 3: CAH Charity Care and Bad Debt, 2021

Data are not available for these measures at the county level.

Swipe to the right if table data not fully visible.
Measure DescriptionNational
(1212 of 1354)*
Charity care CAH reported cost of charity care as % of adjusted revenue2.2%
Bad debt CAH reported cost of non-Medicare and non-reimbursable Medicare bad debt as % of adjusted revenue3.1%
Uncompensated care CAH reported cost of uncompensated care as % of adjusted revenue5.3%
Unreimbursed cost of means tested government programs CAH reported unreimbursed cost of Medicaid, CHIP, and state and local indigent care programs as % of adjusted revenue3.4%